Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Peru s Human Development Index Essay - 1214 Words
During the majority of the nineteenth century, Peru had consistently struggled with a turbulent political history, especially regarding its stability. The incapability of institutions to solidify, which contributes the the lack of political stability, occurred from quick successions of government and constant reforms within the political structure (Weeks, 2015). But regardless of Peru’s record of political instability, steps have been taken in the recent years to consolidate its democracy and reach for economic policies that are market-friendly. Although Peru is a developing country, it has a high human development index that has been strengthening over the years. According to the Human Development Reports from the United Nations Development Programme, Peru’s Human Development Index (HDI) ranking has increased from approximately .6 in 1990 to .734 in 2014, and has retained this ranking the following year (UNDP, 2015). Peru is also rated at 2.5 out of 7 in freedom (Freedom House, 2015). As for human security, Peru has a homicide rate of 9.6 per 100,000 people, which is nearly double the homicide rate of the United States (UNDP, 2015). According to the same 2014 reports, Peru’s ranking under the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is set as .043, meaning that 10.4% of the population falls under multidimensional poverty, and 2.1% live under severe multidimensional poverty (UNDP, 2015). From recent years, there has been a rise of demand for a final solution to incomeShow MoreRelatedPeru Pestle5152 Words  | 2 1 PagesCountry report PERU Summary Now that the worst of the economic crisis is over, the balance can be made up for Peru as well. GDP growth will fall to 1% in 2009, a steep drop from the 9.8% registered in 2008. However, in comparison to its peers, this can be considered a good result. Monetary and fiscal stimuli have supported growth so far. 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Introduction A developed country is a state that has a highly cultivated economy and advanced technological framework as compare to other under-developed nations. The extent of economic development can be assessed by observing the GDP (Gross domestic product), GNP (Gross national product) and Per Capita Income of a country. Few examples of developed countries are include England, Italy, Spain, Australia, Japan. Simultaneously, a developing country, also known as a less-developed country, is a
Monday, December 16, 2019
August 12th, 1805 Free Essays
We set out very early in the morning about 6:00am on the old, dusty Indian Road which led us through an open broken down, small country in a westerly direction. A long, deep valley appeared to our left at the base of very high range of the Rocky Mountains that extended from S. E. We will write a custom essay sample on August 12th, 1805 or any similar topic only for you Order Now to N. W. The mountains were beautiful the sides were covered up with pine trees, and the mountain tops were partially covered with snow. We walked down the road a while longer, and the road led us to a large creek. We saw some bushes of white maple, a small species with a winged rib, and a species of honeysuckle. We saw a hill in the distance, and it had a view of a very small valley to the left of us. After we stayed at the creek for a while longer, we had proceeded on the path up the Rocky Mountains. The path was dusty, and appeared to have been traveled on several times by both men and horses. We walked for hours, it was cold, and we didn’t have much food but we made it to our destination safely. November 7th 1805 It was a very cloudy, foggy, and there was some rain. We set out early we proceeded on a path that we had been traveling on for a while now. The path is under high, rigid hills, the fog is thick and we can barely see across the river. Two canoes of Indians met and returned with us to their village which is situated behind a huge cluster of Marshey Islands. The Indians gave us fish to eat, and they gave us some more food for our journey. After staying at this village for only about an hour and a half, we set out to the main channel behind all the islands. Clark and I proceeded on about 12 miles below the village under a high mountainous country. We searched and searched for a camp clear of the tide. At the camp we found it has a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. We stayed there until the next day. In the morning when the fog cleared away we watched this Pacific Ocean which we had been so anxious to see. The wakes of the ocean would roar, and the waves would crash upon the shore. It was beautiful, the most jaw dropping ocean any of us had ever seen. After we had stayed we continued on our expedition. How to cite August 12th, 1805, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Online vs. Traditional Education Business Communication
Question: Describe about the Online vs. Traditional Education for Business Communication. Answer: 1. I am aspiring for a career in teaching. While it is known that teaching requires sound subject knowledge, but it requires skills and attributes that go well beyond it. One of the skills is communication which has particularly assumed higher value in the digital communication revolution. Besides, it is imperative for the teacher to effective empathise with the student which allows for better motivation of students coupled with superior performance. Additionally, with the changing digitalisation of education, it is imperative to be creative while remaining objective so as to ensure that the learning outcomes are met. Also, patience and mutual respect is an essential attribute so as to not limit the scope to those who are performing well but to extend help to those who actually need their services the most. Last but not the least would be the self-confidence so to be able to engage the students in a fruitful manner (SkillsYouNeed, nd). 2. Online learning is quite different from learning in other contexts. One of the key differences in this regards is the high degree of flexibility that online learning programs offer which makes is exceptionally popular amongst the learners today. The traditional classroom based learning is quite static and time bound and essentially limited the purview of students unlike online learning which allows them to multitask. Besides, online learning also offers advantage in terms of cost saving besides is convenient for the students who do not have to compute to a centralised class to aid learning. This is particularly comfortable for working professionals and others who make be having some mobility constraints (Bird, 2014). Additionally, online learning can improve the quality of education as students in far flung parts of the world with weak education infrastructure could assess learning through the web. In this regard, the use of tools such as YouTube and other educational websites are already revolutionising the learning in the digital age (Brown, nd). However, online learning tends to lack the discipline which could be instilled in other more formal traditional settings. As a result, the key impetus for online learning needs to be provided by the concerned individual only. Another feature of online learning is the lack of social interaction although through the aid of various technological aids, attempts are being made to enhance greater interactions in online learning. The online learning also leads to greater degree of standardisation in lessons imparted and is easier to control unlike learning in other contexts (Bird, 2014). 3. In the information age, a plethora of information sources are available, however, it is imperative to evaluate these on a host of parameters that form part of the Metzgers criteria. The evaluation of usage of various common information sources is carried out below. Social Media While social media is wide in coverage, it is highly opinionated and thus may lack objectivity (Metzger, 2007). Further, there are concerns of accuracy also but with online social communities playing a more vigil role, this is being addressed. However, the actual usage of social media as an information source really stems from the underlying credibility of the source from which the information is being originated. Besides, in the modern business world, where networking has become significant, social media plays a critical role is getting access to appropriate authority (Mason, Ariasi Boldrin , 2011) Academic peer reviewed works- These normally stand high on authority, accuracy, objectivity and also coverage (Metzger, 2007). This is often considered to be the most reliable information source which often should be used. However, at times some students may find it hard to derive useful information because of the manner in which these works are presented and as a result may tend to drift towards more interesting information sources thus compromising on accuracy and objectivity (Yang, Chen Tsai, 2013). But, I personally find these the most suitable for topics where there is plethora of literature available for review such as teaching pedagogy. Information websites These are useful sources of information especially when authority requirements are not present. Further, objectivity at times may be compromised but yet these serve as critical information sources when reading personal experiences and interviews of experts. Conclusion It is apparent that a host of skills and attitudes are required to craft a career as a teacher besides subject knowledge. These skills help in engaging students in a better way and improve learning outcomes. It is significant to understand that online learning is significant different from learning in other context in terms of flexibility, convenience, cost, quality, discipline and social interaction. Further, in different situations based on the information needs, various information sources could be used for gaining relevant information keeping in mind the criteria highlighted by Metgzer. References Bird, K. (2014), Online vs. Traditional Education: The Answer You Never Expected, Retrieved on December 4, 2016 https://www.rasmussen.edu/student-life/blogs/college-life/online-vs-traditional-education-answer-never-expected/ Brown, J.S. (n.d.), Learning in the Digital Age, Retrieved on December 4, 2016 https://www.johnseelybrown.com/learning_in_digital_age-aspen.pdf Mason, L., Ariasi, N., Boldrin, A. (2011). Epistemic beliefs in action: Spontaneous reflections about knowledge and knowing during online information searching and their influence on learning. Learning and Instruction, 21(1), 137151. Metzger, M. J. (2007). Making sense of credibility on the Web: Models for evaluating online information and recommendations for future research. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(13), 20782091. SkillsYouNeed (n.d.), Teaching Skills, Retrieved on December 4, 2016 https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/teaching-skills.html Yang, F.-Y., Chen, Y.-H., Tsai, M.-J. (2013). How University Students Evaluate Online Information about a Socio-scientific Issue and the Relationship with their Epistemic Beliefs. Educational Technology Society, 16 (3), 385399
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